Saturday 17 February 2018

Support 20 mph zone - you know it makes sense

What is not to like about the 20 s Plenty campaign that recently launched in Wanstead.

The reduction in speed for vehicles makes the roads safer and cuts pollution. Two issues that are high on the priorities of people living in Wanstead – especially those with young children.


There were certainly plenty of demands for speed restrictions on local roads at the recent local forum hearing at Wanstead House.


At the campaign
launch, Jeremy Leach, the London campaign co-ordinator for 20s Plenty, told how for every 1% reduction in speed there is a 6% cut in casualties on the roads.

The group, Living Streets, are keen supporters of the initiative, encouraging people to get out more to exercise and bring the streets to life. It is a somewhat alarming statistic that  39.2% of children at year six age in Redbridge are obese or overweight.


Neighbouring Waltham Forest has brought in pedestrianisation measures that have brought the streets back to life, something likely to happen in other areas where similar measures are introduced..


The 20s Plenty initiative is something that has taken off in popularity around the country with over 50 towns and boroughs now having such speed limits. Some 15 London boroughs have the limit.

Given local support we can turn Wanstead into a 20 mph zone, an area that will be safer to move about with cleaner air for everyone to breath.

The Labour candidates for Wanstead Village and Wanstead Park are backing the campaign together with other community activists.
*published in Wanstead and Woodford Guardian - 15/2/2018

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