Tuesday 17 November 2020

Time the same level of urgency was shown in addressing the emergencies climate change and biodiversity loss as Covid

It was great recently to help out with the planting on Christchurch Green of the fourth Grow Zone. Bulbs and seeds were planted in the area adjacent to the high street. There are plans for more Grow Zones, with areas left to run wild, improving the overall biodiversity. Another community based project involves the seeding of tree pits with wild flowers. The pits look fantastic, as well as helping wildlife - like bees. At the moment, the adoption of tree pits is a bit patchwork, with some excellent streets that will offer a sea of colour in the spring and summer. However, there are many pits that are not adopted. It would be great to see more taken up by residents. Also, local churches and schools could reach out and adopt pits around their premises. Anyone interested in adopting a tree pit see: https://www.redbridge.gov.uk/our-streets/spruce-up-your-neighbourhood/ There are also plans to develop community composting in the area. In Wanstead, many people are rightly concerned about rising pollution levels. Over the period of the pandemicy, we have gone from empty streets to a situation where some roads are reaching gridlock. People have been encouraged to avoid public transport, while the planned walking and cycling infrastructure in Redbridge has failed to materialise - the result has been that vast numbers are getting in their cars. This situation needs to be addressed, we cannot go on poisoning generation after generation with this foul air. There is also the small matter of an obesity epidemic. The Low Emission Neighbourhood schemes need to happen. And there must be a real increase in biodiversity. In Wanstead, there are major polluting roads running between the Green Man and Redbridge roundabouts, as well as the Green Man and Charlie Brown roundabout. The lovely Roding Valley Park is encircled by the thunder of traffic on the M11 and A406. Indeed, despite much of the greenery that characterises Wanstead, another view is that we live on a polluted traffic island. This needs to be urgently addressed. There is the Ultra Low Emissions Zone that comes in next year, which will help. But what about some real greening of the area? The areas between the roundabouts described should become greenways, with more trees, shrubs and green walls. Traffic in the area has grown hugely over the past 20 years but counter balancing biodiversity measures have not. The time has come to act on biodiversity and climate change, we have talked about it for years and there has only been incremental change. But the climate and biodiversity crises need to be addressed with real action - pleas of no money really won't cut it. The Covid pandemic proves money can be found for a crisis, this is another one, so let's take it seriously and really do something about it. * To contribute to Redbridge's Green Urban Landscape Consultation see - https://engagement.redbridge.gov.uk/strategy/redbridge-green-urban-landscape-policy

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