Wednesday 27 January 2021

Atrocious handling of Corona virus - now we need a route map out that includes the construction of a more just and equitable society

The passing of the 100,000 deaths mark for the Covid pandemic is a sad indictment of this country. Over recent weeks there has been an average toll of more than 1,000 deaths a day. This all comes as we apprach the one year anniversary of this terrible pandemic beginning. It is a year that has seen other countries suffer to a similar degree but they took the correct measures at the right times. Now, in those countries, Covid is a sad memory, as normal life has resumed. In UK plc, we wander around in deserted city centres, wondering when the latest lockdown will end. When will life return to normal? The vaccination programme is the big hope for finding a way out. The deaths from the virus are bad enough but what of the collateral damage: the cancer and heart condition treatments not undertaken. The dementia sufferers. The massive impact of this pandemic on just about everybody's mental health. The huge economic damage caused by lockdown after lockdown. How many businesses will never recover? The pandemic has exposed the great inequalities in our society, with the poorest hit the hardest. The crisis has brought out the best and worst in people, lots of support for mutual aid groups and food banks but also panic buying and selfish behaviour. There will certainly need to be a reckoning when this pandemic is over. Those in government who let front line workers down with the lack of Personal Protective Equipment. The debacle that has been the test and trace system, farmed out to unqualified private sector firms looking to make a profit, instead of to local and health authorities, who know how to do the job. The failure to provide meals for the poorest children, till shamed into belated action by a young Premiership footballer. The list is endless. What is needed now is a route map out of this crisis based on cutting deaths and infections to zero. The route map out must also include a plan for reconstruction, that will see a levelling up of the standards of living of the poorest. Less foodbanks and less billionaires. What really must be resisted will be the efforts of some in government to no doubt make the poorest pay over again for a crisis that was none of their making but who have ultimately paid the heaviest price. No austerity II programme to match the policies followed by the Conservative and Coalition governments after the financial crash of 2008. The costs must be born most heavily by those most able to pay. What is for sure is that our society needs to take a long hard look at itself , then reconstruct in a more just and equitable way.

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